Free! Your Health Crisis Survival Kit EBOOK

Your Health Crisis Survival Kit Are you or a loved one facing a health crisis?
Have chronic health issues?
Ready to stop all of that—and live a vibrant life?

Start your transformation now with my free ebook. You’ll also receive my Vibrant Life eZine and a FREE chapter of my #1 bestselling book Choose to Live.


Do you feel like this?                                                                         But want to feel like this?


Are you feeling like there’s something missing in creating your vibrant life: physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually, but you just haven’t been able to figure out what?

Are you feeling drained — emotionally and physically?  Perhaps you have a chronic health issue, are overweight and stressed, constantly tired or maybe you are feeling just plain lousy… day in, day out and are done with feeling this way.

Are you tired of being told that this is just the way it is or “that’s life”? Are you fed up with not getting answers or a real explanation for why you feel the way you do? Are you tired of being in pain? Waiting for the other shoe to drop? It doesn’t have to be this way!

Maybe you’re afraid of getting cancer or you’re dealing with cancer and you just want someone who has already healed to guide you or mentor you in the process. You’re looking for someone who has lived it and who wants to help you create a vibrant healthy life too – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and who can show you how.

Are you just about to give up?  Don’t! I was there 11 years ago and told nothing could be done to save me.  I had chronic fatigue, daily headaches, depression, IBS, sinus problems, migraines and more.  All those symptoms that I lived with most of my life were gone in a short period of time.  I then went on to heal stage 4 cancer and stage 3b for my husband and we remain cancer free 11 years later. I’m still in awe at how amazing we are meant to feel.

Do you want to feel great? Energized? Do you crave the ability to wake up excited and energized about your life rather than dragging your feet all day?  It is possible!

My name is Joyce O’Brien, and I help people just like you create a better quality of life, increase your energy and create lasting vibrant health!  Want to know more?



IMAGINE – a step by step road map to help you take control of YOUR health and create YOUR vibrant, healthy life! Learn the 7 Steps to Jump Start Your Healthy Life and Increase Your Energy and Vitality.

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Tired of searching for answers? Tired of feeling sick and lousy and need someone to walk with you through the process? If you’re frustrated, need answers and you’re open to a holistic, life-invigorating approach, let us customize a plan just for you with expert guidance to reach your goals faster.

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“I Refer to Joyce as my “Guardian Angel”

In February of 2006, I met Kevin and Joyce, in May of 2006, I started to speak with Joyce on a regular basis.I was not prepared for the way she would subtlety change my life.

When I started following Joyce’s diet and lifestyle suggestions, Joyce and Kevin would say something like, “A raw vegetable is 10 times more powerful than a cooked vegetable”. When I started substituting raw vegetables for cooked vegetables, I lost 9 pounds in the first week and went on to lose another 30. I had so much energy that I began running, starting with 4 miles and the next day 8 miles, it was a breeze.

For the first time since I was 16, I was no longer feeling hungry, tired or bloated.When I went to the doctor to get blood work done, he could not get over my results. My blood pressure, weight, cholesterol and glucose were all down. He was very impressed and wanted to know if I was the same person who was in his office 6 months earlier.

– Ed Murphy, New York

#1 Bestseller Choose to Live
Being Cancer Free Twitter LinkBeing Cancer Free YouTube LinkJoyce and Kevin O'Brien Facebook Link