Free! Your Health Crisis Survival Kit EBOOK

Your Health Crisis Survival Kit Are you or a loved one facing a health crisis?
Have chronic health issues?
Ready to stop all of that—and live a vibrant life?

Start your transformation now with my free ebook. You’ll also receive my Vibrant Life eZine and a FREE chapter of my #1 bestselling book Choose to Live.

“Choose to Live: Inspiring Book that Changed My Life!”

This wonderful, uplifting, inspiring book may contain the key to wellness that can change your life.  It worked for me!

— Brian Tracy, Author, “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life”




“If you put only a few of their suggestions into action, you will dramatically increase your level of health and vitality.”

Joyce and Kevin’s story is both inspiring and empowering! Even if you put only a few of their suggestions into action, you will dramatically increase your level of health and vitality. It inspired me to make changes and I already feel better. Joyce and Kevin are encouraging and supportive, all the while upholding that we have the ability to take charge of our physical well-being!

— Andrea Hess, Arizona, Author of “Unlock Your Intuition




“Joyce O’Brien’s Passion for Life Jumps off the Pages!” 

O’Brien’s journey from living the dream life of a thirty-something successful professional to the nightmare of her and her husband having advanced cancer is a roller coaster ride packed with emotions. Her passion for life jumps off the pages, and even in her darkest hour, her sense of humor shines through!

—JJ Virgin PhD, CNS, Celebrity Wellness Expert, Author “Six Weeks to Sleeveless and Sexy”, Pres. of Natl Assoc of Nutrition Prof., Co-Star of TLC’s Freaky Eaters


“Joyce O’Brien’s and Kevin O’Brien’s Voices Must be Heard!”

Joyce O’Brien’s and Kevin O’Brien’s voices need to be heard. Their personal story of overcoming cancer’s death sentence represents all that is great in the human spirit. First our basic need to learn and second our most fundamental need to survive.

— Chad – The Pulse of Radio, Radio Network!


“I had so much energy that I began running 4 miles…then 8 miles…it was a breeze!”

In May of 2006, I started to speak with Joyce on a regular basis. I was not prepared for the way she would subtlety change my life.

When I started following Joyce’s diet and lifestyle suggestions, I lost 9 pounds in the first week and went on to lose another 30. I had so much energy that I began running, starting with 4 miles and the next day 8 miles, it was a breeze.

For the first time since I was 16, I was no longer feeling hungry, tired or bloated.When I went to the doctor to get blood work done, he could not get over my results. My blood pressure, weight, cholesterol and glucose were all down. He was very impressed and wanted to know if I was the same person who was in his office 6 months earlier.

I refer to Joyce as my “Guardian Angel”.

— Ed Murphy, New York


“More People Would be Healthy and Feel Good if  They Knew and Applied What Joyce and Kevin Share!”

Your CD, Being Cancer Free, is profound. It changed my life.

The research and knowledge is so deep. If more people would listen to the CD and do these things first than they would not have the health problems they do.

I was never aware of how harmful sugar was, and I had cancer. I immediately cut out sugar from my diet because the information is so eye opening in this CD.

Every person needs to be made aware of this information because every person is affected by it. What we are doing to ourselves is not supporting ourselves. Maybe if we knew better we would stop and there would be more moderation and more people would be healthy and feel good.

— Sal L, Hauppauge, NY


“Choose to Live – A Valuable Resource for Anyone Facing a Life Challenge!”

Truly one of the most inspirational books I have read. Joyce and Kevin O’Brien’s remarkable story is told with humor and heart and stands as a testament to the triumph of human spirit. Nearly everyone has been touched by cancer in some way. Choose to Live! provides a very real insight to the disease and, more importantly, serves as a valuable resource for anyone facing a life challenge—or can be passed on to someone who is. A must-read.

— Dottie Galliano, President, Renaissance Media


“Being Cancer Free E-Book – Amazing Resource for Those Healthy and Unhealthy!”

I am so pleased that I discovered your Being Cancer Free e-book. It is truly is an inspirational eye opener. It astonishes me all the things that we do day in and day out that we can so easily change to decrease our chances of developing disabling diseases. This book is a truly amazing resource for those healthy and unhealthy. I have implemented many of your recommendations and have already noticed an improvement in my health in just over a week. With eternal gratitude.

— Kim, Centereach, NY

#1 Bestseller Choose to Live
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