We came into this life with the intent of learning lessons. While these lessons, both big and small, can appear in many different forms, they’ll recur as ongoing themes until they are fully learned. So let’s say, for example, trust is an ongoing theme in your life. Maybe you don’t trust the process, a person, the universe, etc. When trust is an issue for you, you’ll put yourself in situations that will test your ability to trust. Whether it’s jealousy, anger or resentment, these moments become easier to identify when you become aware of their triggers, or rather the physical reaction in the body. How and why are you being triggered? What’s the payoff for you? What are you being “right” about that allows you to be triggered? Are you being a victim? What do you need to stop being a victim to? How is this a mirror for your life? These moments help you examine what experiences support your triggers and your beliefs around the situation. They are the invitation to take responsibility for your intentions. Tap into your intuition to see if this is a recurring lesson for you. If they’re recurring, then it’s happening for a reason. There is a lesson to be learned. The good news is that it can be one that you so powerfully and responsibly get to learn, once you become aware of it and you’re willing to look at it.
When you hold onto beliefs that don’t empower or serve you, you continue to create those situations that become the opportunities for the life lesson to be learned. You see, the beliefs you hold are what allow those triggers to be created in the first place. Being aware of, and ultimately changing, your “way of being” wouldn’t allow those triggers to continue to happen. By being responsible for your intention, you take responsibility for creating the situation or your part in it. Here is where you can powerfully choose to learn the lesson You can take responsibility for what you do and how you show up without making excuses for yourself or perpetuating the belief that brought you there. Instead of proving yourself right, you open up to being forgiving of yourself, seeing someone else’s position, and can gain tremendous relief from knowing that you don’t have to be perfect and then ultimately replacing the old story with an empowering one that works for you and your healing journey.
Large or 1 ½ medium zucchini, peeled and chopped (2 ½ to 3 cups)

2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 small clove garlic, peeled
½ teaspoon sea salt
¼ teaspoon ground cumin
1. Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender or food processor and blend until smooth
2. Taste for seasoning, adding an additional ⅛ to ¼ teaspoon salt if desired.
3. Transfer to a small bowl or container and refrigerate for at least 1 hour before serving.