Free! Your Health Crisis Survival Kit EBOOK

Your Health Crisis Survival Kit Are you or a loved one facing a health crisis?
Have chronic health issues?
Ready to stop all of that—and live a vibrant life?

Start your transformation now with my free ebook. You’ll also receive my Vibrant Life eZine and a FREE chapter of my #1 bestselling book Choose to Live.


One thing that comes up again and again for my clients when they begin their transformation is the fear of change. This is a natural response. But try looking at it this way. You’ve only begun to shift your way of being. Every day you are doing something more to start healing.

If, at this point, you only focus on the fear, than you are not going to take all the actions you can to get better results. The fear becomes a mountain, or more like a monster, and it can consume you. The fear is the chain that binds you. It keeps you in place and prevents you from moving to where you want to be. Now what’s scarier than that?!

Instead, try letting the tiny steps you take each day to start healing yourself or creating a better life, propel you forward into a positive feeling. It’s only by getting to the other side of that fear that you find freedom. And that’s a pretty awesome place to be!

In my book, Choose to Live, I have a favorite passage that I often read at a speaking event, “When you make one change to your health, you may add a second to your life. Then another change will add another five seconds, then a day, then a week. Before you know it, you’ve shifted your whole biological structure.” You are doing the best you can right now and you are whole and complete for right now. There’s nothing more you need to do than love yourself. As a human being you are a divine being. You are a complete package.

Here is an affirmation you can say to yourself: “I allow my mind to relax and be at peace. Clarity and harmony are in me and around me. All is well.”

The importance of taking care of yourself, nurturing yourself is right in front of you because you feel good about doing it. Which means you feel bad about yourself when you aren’t nurturing yourself. Your body is crying out for you to take care of it. If you have faith that you are going in the right direction and keep reminding yourself of that, the fear will go away. You will move forward with action and say, “I did it, I’m proud of myself. Change IS GOOD!”

Now where is that fear? It doesn’t even stand a chance anymore!




Mary’s Mock Tuna


Collard leaves or Romaine leaves for wraps

If you are using collard leaves, take stem off and devein the thick part

2 cups raw sunflower seeds, washed and soaked for 2-4 hours

2/3 cup olive oil

½ scallion

1 clove garlic

¼ bunch parsley

juice of 2 lemons (more to taste)

1-2 tsp. sea salt to taste

2 stalks of celery

sliced or cubed tomatoes (approximately 2) or grape tomatoes cut in half

1. In food processor, blend up sunflower seeds, garlic, sea salt, lemon and olive oil – leave a little chunky  or if desired, can make creamier.

2. Chop up remaining ingredients into small pieces (except lettuce leaves).

3. Mix well with sunflower seeds.

4. Place a large tablespoon in leaf and add extra tomato if desired.

Note: You can also add sprouts and avocado slices.



#1 Bestseller Choose to Live
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